Thursday, July 16, 2009


yes thats me, slack with the blogging.
been busy of course, prepairing for the upcoming retreat..

only 3 weeks to go and i CAN'T WAIT!!!!!
i had a big scare a couple of weeks ago with dylan in hospital with concussion. Very scary...
these photos make me want to cry :(
just glad he is ok....
mind you i had to pick him up from school agan today as he bumped his head again...

i had the lovely peta over for a couple of days all the way from NSW, it was great and we had such fun!! LOADS of chat and laughs, not to mention shopping.

can you tell i've had a few in that last one or what ROFL!!!

and heres some scrapping-
i have to share this photo cause i just LOVE it!!

and here are a couple from laceys first ice cream, yes it's at mackas.

we went out for dinner with some friends and called into mackas for desert...

we went to the birdies again with some friends on the holidays, it was great..
dylan was scared of the birds even though he was the one that was upset that he missed out last time... and kyle LOVED it even though he didn't even want to go.

i was WRAPPED to get a nice photo of the 3 even if dylan is shooting passersby!

ISNT there just something sooo cute about little kids and dandelions.

AND oooooooooooHHH look what finally arrived- my motherday pressie.look at naughty lacey climbing it!!


marijana said...


finally updated-lol
a well better now than never -lol

GREAT LOs and BEAUTIFUL photos too :)

I so cant wait for the retreat too..3 weeks to go :)


Narelle Pearce aka Sassyscrap said...

Welcome Back to Blog World LOL!!!

Poor Dylan, those photos just really put protecting your kiddies into perspective (you would just do anything for them). Love Lacey climbing your new shelving unit and how horrified is she over the ice cream, Lainey is the same.
Can't wait to our time away at the retreat with all of the BONS girls xx


cant wait to see all the girls catch up with u .. and party hard.. rofl.. lvoe the update love every pic there ....

bigs hugs...

Unknown said...

Love it when you update. I love your photos and your scrapping is divine!!!!
Don't leave it so long next time.


Kerry said...

woo hoo an update.

love love love the pics. esp lacey and the dandelion.

glad dylan is ok too :)

Peta said...

awesome pics Bon - it was so great to meet your family and enjoy some time with you & the kiddies.... cant wait to do it again :)

Charmane said...

time for you to update i think bon ;)

LOVE all the photos though - just gorgeous!!!