So all that planning, stressing, organizing, setting up, days of choosing, and it's all been and gone like it was never here!
Matt driving the boat!
this is where we stayed the first night, what a view!

at raymond island, thats our boat behind me!!!
this is me writing mr & mrs johnstone in the sand with a big heart around it!!! looks small but it was about 3 metres tall and no idea how wide!!!! This beach was UNREAL!!!!!! i've never seen sand so white (i know it doesn't look that way in the pic) with water so blue!!! It was just beautiful!
ME FISHING!!! we actually caught 1 flatty the night before we came home at about 9:00, IT WAS YUMMY!!
us this morning! sad to be coming back to reality, but glad to be seeing the kids! (sorta)
and i just like this one so here it is!!! I took about 200 photos, but don't want to bore you with all the amazing sunsets ETC!!!!!
how peacful is this??? we stayed here the second last night! It was amazing!

From the 1st of january i've been checking the 28 day forecast for rain!!!
And up until the 24th or thereabouts it said 0% chance of rain. I was EXCITED!!!
till one morning i got up and suddenly it said 50%!
every time the news came on and it would say showers for sunday i would instantly feel sick and feel like crying! (mainly because it was in the garden and we didn't have a backup plan :(
My dress fittiing went well, no alterations needed and my sister arrived on wed, it was great to see her. Her dress looked great and it was all falling into place.
Sat was VERY hectic, setting up the hall, getting my nails done, rehearsal etc......... I think i got home at about 1am, and matt was asleep on the couch!!! i felt so bad waking him up & kicking him out!
I awoke to a GREY sky and bucketing rain. I was devistated!
Come 11am it was black out and still bucketing down!!! I was so upset and unfortunatly the kids copped my bad mood! I felt so bad, but i just sent them to their rooms, i just needed to calm down!
by about 1 it had started to clear, still quite grey, but i didn't want to get too excited!
My flowers arrived at about 2!!!! then it started to hit me........... I was really getting married! The flowers were just beautiful!!!! By 3 it was getting crazy at my place. The photographer arrived at about 3:20 and we were all running around like headless chooks!!!!
My car arrived at quarter to 4, but i wanted to be fasionably late, so leaving at 4 should have been fine- except matt's dad took forever to get back to pick the kids up and it's not like we could leave them here!
Finally on the way there! One of the main things i can remember from the day! arriving at the garden, the hood coming off the car and the driving up the hill to the garden- It was one of the best feelings i've ever experienced, that is untill i saw everyone standing there waiting for me. I was a little panicked!
Standing there about to walk down the aisle and i look at the boys and you just wouldn't believe it!!!!! NO RINGS!!!!!!!! I must've picked up the rings maybe 4 times and said- "DON"T FORGET THE RINGS"!!!!
Of course i just burst into tears!
thankfully my brother flew back to my place to pick them up..
Other than all that the weather cleared up, the day was beautiful, the ceremony was really nice, The reception didn't quite go to plan, but no one noticed, so i suppose it doesn't really matter! we finally left the reception at about 11 to meet the photographer in the city, he (ashan, charms partner) got some FANTASTIC shots.
you can view some of my wedding shots here-
OK i'm so tired and all that now so i'll just brief the honeymoon-
it was UNREAL!! Matts boss paid for us to go on a house boat for 4 nights- I thought i was going to hate it, but i really loved it! so unexpected! The boat was really nice, had a bedroom, toilet shower etc..... but we were in such a rush packing that we left the towels at home!!! and all of my tops, and my shaver!!!! So my first shower before we got a chance to get a towel i had to use the spare pillow cases to dry myself!
I enjoyed it so much that we are all going back next year with the kids and our parents, our shout to say thanks for all their help with the wedding!
Oh and just quickly while i rememberon the noneymoon - i broke my toe, and got REALLY, REALLY BURNT!!!!! but still loved it!
The lakes were just beautiful! here are a few pics-
how is that view behind us!!!!!
absolutely gorgeous photos - both wedding and honeymoon, you looked stunning and Matt and the boys very handsome too.
Huge congrats to you and Matt.. (big sook I am got all teary reading about it and looking at the pics)
Take Care
The photos are all stunning Bon.
Ashan did a great job on the wedding photos and your honeymoon photos ae stunning too.
oh wow Bon - the honeymoon looks so relaxing.... I wish ashan and i could do that!!! and LOL about wanting to see the boys (sorta!) hehehe... it looked too good to leave!!!
Love Charmane
PS glad you liked your wedding shots!!!
Oh Bon, that all looks so beautiful, Great stories to tell the kids when they grow up, congratulations to you both, I just loved looking at the photos, I'll pop over to Ashans Gallery now.
Glad you back, how is the toe?
welcome back Bon!
Glad you had such a great time and the photos are stunning. now back to reality!
i;m so glad the day went well for you! you looked gorgeous!!!
Congratulations Mrs johnstone........
Oh Bon, I had a tear in my eye looking at your wedding photo's (hormones...LOL) You look just beautiful, as did everyone else........
I am so glad it all went well and your honeymoon shots are great too, very relaxing.
How is your toe????
Take care
Cherie x
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